Rathbun Bloodfin Tetra 2-3cm
The Rathbun's Bloodfin Tetra is known from a huge variety of different habitats amongst the tributar..
Red Eye Tetra 3-4cm
The elegant red-eye tetra creates an impressive display in a large community aquarium. It has a natu..
Red Flame Tetra 2-3cm
The flame tetra, also known as the red tetra or Rio tetra, is a small freshwater fish of the characi..
Red Serpae Tetra 2-3cm
The Serpae is a colourful tetra with an amber/brown body, Black Dorsal fins and red Caudal and anal ..
Rummy Nose Tetra 3-4cm
The Rummy Nose Tetra is a popular choice for live plant keepers and Discus fish keepers. The rummy n..
Silver Tip Tetra 2-3cm
The Silver Tip is named for the shimmering white/silver tips to its fins. It is a gorgeous and activ..
Super Blue Kerri Tetra 3-3.5cm
The Blue Emperor Tetra is known from sluggish tributaries of the Aripuanã River, which forms part o..
Veilfin Tetra 2-3cm
The Veilfin Tetra is known from shallow, moderately turbid channels, swamps, and small tributaries w..
Weitzmani Tetra 2cm
The Weitzmani Tetra has a widespread distribution throughout the upper Solimaes, upper Negro, and up..
X-Ray Tetra 3-4cm
X-Ray Tetras make excellent community fish. Their relative hardiness means they are a good choice fo..
Yellow Flame Tetra 2-3cm
The flame tetra, also known as the red tetra or Rio tetra, is a small freshwater fish of the characi..
Black Neon Tetra 3-4cm
This species is of typical elongated tetra appearance; it is of plain basic coloration but with two ..